What is Play Therapy?
Play Therapy is...
Play Therapy is defined by APT as “the systematic use of a theoretical model to establish an interpersonal process wherein trained Play Therapists use the therapeutic powers of play to help clients prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development.” (a4pt.org, 2024)
Evidence Based Therapy
Play Therapy modality is supported by evidence-based research to display the ways it can assist in the healng process.
We Believe in Trainings
Our play therapists are on the path of achieving certification in Play Therapy. It takes years to achieve this goal, however, our therapists are committed to bringing you the best care for your children. Below is a sample of trainings we attend.
Associate Play Therapists
The following therapists are training and implementing Play Therapy:
Crystal Hernandez, Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist #121793 Play Therapist in Training
Madeline Witthuhn, Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist #144548 Play Therapist in Training
Leanna Jackson, Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist #142129 Play Therapist in Training
Yadira Hernandez, Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor #14145 Play Therapist in Training
Brandy Seignemartin, Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor #16176
All associates are supervised by:
Amy Cornwall, LMFT #130174 or Jennifer Calderon, LMFT #45687, LPCC #796
More Info on Play Therapy
Meant to utilize a child’s favorite way of expressing themselves, playing, to help learn how to express their feelings
Creates a safe relationship between the child and the therapist so they are better able to “prevent or resolve psychosocial difficulties and achieve optimal growth and development”, according to the Association for Play Therapy (APT)
Gives insight to what a child is feeling or dealing with that would normally not be recognized or told through conversation
Examples of play therapy range from asking a child to tell a story; “once upon a time...”; or using different toys/games to see if anything is brought to light that the child may have found stressful or uncomfortable
Helps children learn helpful behaviors and work through their emotions that are sometimes too big for their age while also learning how to resolve conflicts whether it be internal or with another individual
Parents are able to incorporate some of the techniques at home to continue the idea of a safe space for their children to express themselves without being made to feel as if what they have to say or what they are going through “doesn’t matter”
Licensed Play Therapists
Amy Cornwall, LMFT #130174 Completion of Registered Play Therapist in 8/2024
Annaliz Barbieri, LMFT #100017, Play Therapist In-Training
Ana Vivar, LCSW #100716, Play Therapist In-Training