The following therapists are EMDR trained:
Cristal Aguilar, Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapy #142951
Michele Gales, Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapy #137990
Leanna Jackson, Registered Associate Marriage & Family Therapist #142129
Brandy Seignemartin, Registered Associate Professional Clinical Counselor #16176
All associates are supervised by:
Amy Cornwall, LMFT #130174 or Jennifer Calderon, LMFT #45687, LPCC #796
The following therapist is EMDR Certified & Consultant-In-Training:
Amy Cornwall, LMFT #130174
Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR)
Blue Chair Family Therapy, APC is one of very few mental health practices that offers EMDR for children (ages 2-12).
We believe that our clients should have the best Playful EMDR therapists and have state of the art trainings. This includes EMDR training and Play Therapy trainings.
We also offer EMDR for adolescents (13-17), and adults too!
We offer EMDR therapy for BIPOC clients implemented by BIPOC therapists.
We offer standard 8-Phase EMDR and Recent Traumatic Protocol for individuals and groups.
See below a video about EMDR by EMDRIA for more information on EMDR.
For more information check out the EMDRIA website.
Helps treat anxiety and trauma (little things seem big, most days are troublesome, restless sleep schedule, self-doubt)
Identify strengths and figure out how to let go of the negatives
Understanding your trauma and how it affects you while learning how to cope and calm yourself
Promotes self -care ideals including bettering communication skills and knowing you aren’t alone in life
Typically done in individual sessions and does not have “homework” like typical talk therapy may have to work on before the next session
Works for children, adolescents and adults (seen as a great tool for PTSD treatment in adults)